Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy Ox New Year! ^^v

Although this year I can't back to Sandakan
celebrate chinese new year with my family,
I still feel lucky that I can follow uncle's car back
to Raub, Pahang--My mum's hometown to
celebrate this Ox new year=)

At here, I have chance to eat my aunt's delicious food
that I can't eat at KL...>.<
I like to eat the 苦瓜+烧肉, really very nice to eat~~
Besides, my uncle had bought a firework that cost
RM100 to let us watch 1 minute "show"=)

Later will be gone to grandma's house to have
our vege meal. Hope tomorrow will be a prosperous
1st day of Chinese Ox Hew Year! ^^v

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